Thursday, January 19, 2012

Take Me Back

I'm sure you've seen pictures of Robert around my blog (he is my favorite photo subject after all), but what I think most people don't know is that he has taken almost all the photos of me for the past year.  Robert has always been supportive of this blog and my Etsy store whether that meant braving the long holidays lines at the post office or running to Walmart or Joann's with me for supplies.  He tries his very best to get me out of my slumps and works very hard (probably too hard sometimes) to make me happy.

Robert started his first day of school yesterday and I couldn't be more proud.  He did a stint of community college years ago but had to stop going when his need to pay bills overtook his need for education.  Sometimes it's hard for me to understand what he was going through when he stopped going because I was lucky to have the support of my family when I decided to go to school, but I know Robert's situation was vastly different from mine.  I have to admit, I was doubtful when he had decided to go back.  He is 26 now and I know that sitting in a class of 18 year olds was not his idea of a good time.  When we returned from our November trip to California he immediately went to a counselor to find out what was required to take classes again.  Now, just two months later, he is back in school and I am his number one cheerleader!

Robert has inspired me to follow my dreams and never give up on something I truly want.  So what about you dear readers? Are you following your dreams or lending the support that someone may need to follow their dreams?  I would love to hear your stories!

Robert's first day of school.  Isn't he so cute with those notebooks?

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1 comment:

  1. Aww, I'm sorry I can't be there, but I'm glad the yeti is there to give my support!

    Go Robert!


Thank you for putting a smile on my face!