Aren't road trips just wonderful? Robert and I packed up the car, stocked up on plenty of my favorite road trip snack, teriyaki beef jerky, and hit the road last year (which was actually just one week ago!) It was an intense 12 hour drive to Albuquerque, but we made good time and only had one little incident where we almost hit a tumble weed! It was just slightly terrifying and mostly just made us laugh. Even though we were super exhausted when we got to Albuquerque, we had a lovely night chatting with my sister, Leanne and her boyfriend Daniel, who were nice enough to let us stay with them for the night. The next day (New Year's Eve!) my mom, dad and brother would arrive so that we could get our party on!
This is Dr. Colors, he is Leanne & Daniel's neighbor. |
There were still little bits of snow on the ground around Albu and even though it was unseasonable warm, the mornings and nights were still freezing! |
I've still got more pictures to share from the trip so stayed tuned!

I didn't realize that it's been a whole year since you came to Albuquerque. Might be time to plan another trip!